mining for your metal

This week (like most weeks), I experienced the profound privilege of safety. I could pause from the news and take a deep breath of fresh air, hold my child close, fall asleep in a cozy bed. My heart aches for those who can’t share these comforts. There are so many.

I spent the week with my daughter in Santa Barbara, filling every moment with connection. Our visit was defined by love and joy, beauty, and also heaviness. In my daughter’s world, this weight came with every goodbye. Reconnecting with friends she hadn’t seen in over two years brought countless touching and joyful moments. The preciousness of these moments were sharply punctuated by their inevitable endings. The pain in these endings were no less painful for her despite learning of world events. 

I also had the chance to reconnect with friends, mentors, and colleagues. In the intimacy of our small groups, we shared personal updates and peak moments in equal measure with heavy hearts about the weight of the world. In the safety and privacy away from the public platforms, I could listen openly. I heard raw, heart-wrenching tales that recalled the scars of past wars, generations of conflict to reckon with, fear, anger, questions. Some stories felt urgent in their need to be told. 

The mere telling of them could shed a light or a shared breath. I don’t have the expertise to comment on these world events, so I start by listening. War is unfortunately, a human constant, while peace demands dedication. Regardless of my power(lessness) in the world overall, I believe that I can cultivate peace in my own small circle. 

Chinese medicine posits that microcosms are reflections of macrocosms and vice versa. To seek peace for the world, I must first find it within myself. The resonance of the metal element in this philosophy encourages us to find our unique value without drawing comparisons. By aligning with our own inherent strengths, we find our path. Some people are incredibly inspiring activists, while others offer calm and safe spaces. Both are invaluable. 

In today’s age, where social media voices are loud and rapid, I often feel a pressure to respond before fully understanding. So I remind myself to begin with listening and being present. I listen to others, I listen to myself. Focusing on right action in my own life isn’t the only path, but it’s always available, even when other routes seem perplexing or out of reach. Action is vital, but it’s most potent when aligned with your truth. 

I am exploring maintaining peace and presence while staying open to listening and learning. I am exploring maintaining peace and presence while allowing for feelings of anger, hopelessness, horror, and sadness. I am cherishing my loved ones and my life, knowing that it is never a guarantee. If there are actions you feel passionate to take and you want me to know about them, please send me a message. If you have a story to share with me, I will practice listening. 


the case for simplicity


a fancy, $5 word