the season for change

When I first started this newsletter, it was a way for for me to stay connected to you from a heart-centered place in the digital landscape. It has become a weekly ritual for me to sit down, reflect and write to you. A moment for introspection and connection. Throughout my week, a part of me stays attuned to the little sparks of inspiration that I will mold into these passages. I like to imagine that by sharing my own thoughts and process it sparks something in you.


It has become a practice in maintaining my integrity and authenticity, and a way to show up in the world. As with all things, it has evolved. I feel more confident in my belief in our inherent wholeness and the transformative power of movement as a celebration of our existence. Through movement, we navigate challenges, embody emotions, and tap into a language beyond words. 


As spring emerges, it feels like the perfect moment to acknowledge the shifts taking place. This newsletter has become more than just a means of communication. As my interests crystallize, so does my teaching. I want to provide you with tools to enrich your practice, fostering a deeper connection with your body and a newfound excitement to exchange energy with those around you that you can use to bring more depth to your practice.


I’m also committed to amplifying voices besides my own. This will be a gradual evolution that begins with the birth of a new brand: The Listening Movement: Tools for Tuning In.


Within The Listening Movement, you'll find a digital sanctuary—an ever-expanding movement library offering familiar yet profound practices. With minimal explanations, these movements speak for themselves, inviting you to explore and uncover the wisdom in your own body. This resource is free, it just requires creating an account.


If you’re craving a deeper dive and more personal connection, we offer quarterly, in-person trainings—a sacred space to delve into our practices, unearth healing, and forge connections. This isn't merely about learning movements; it's about cultivating curiosity, embracing vulnerability, and sharing our insights. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or a curious enthusiast, this training welcomes you with open arms.


Our next training is April 19-21 in Austin, TX and doors are open. If you’re ready for it, head over to The Listening Movement. This training also provides 24 hours of continuing education credits for the Yoga Alliance.


As we begin this new iteration, I’d love to hear from you. What content resonates with you? What are you interested in exploring further? Let me know by hitting reply to this email or sending me a DM on IG. And remember to give @thelisteningmovement a follow.


The Year of the Wood Dragon