a template for learning

My teaching style can feel a bit elusive for some, especially those who find security in structure. My way is to create a broad container, with firm and loving edges, encouraging lots of room to explore, freeing ourselves from right and wrong thinking, and encouraging personal inquiry. I try to avoid overzealous attempts to create a profound experience for others, preferring to let the work speak for itself and for their emotions and insights to emerge organically.


During the weekend training, we started out with a focus on the physical. We explored the dynamic properties of fascia, learned key movements for understanding and re-tuning our fascial network, turned to the wisdom of Chinese medicine, and spent a lot of time in physical practice.


Although our time spent in the physical realm was valuable, we also connected to more subtle layers of our human form. I encouraged my students to use the movements as a starting point and to give voice to what they discovered—whether it was newfound freedom, unprocessed grief, a sense of playfulness, or new questions. Our interactions throughout our individual journeys created shared meeting points, and opportunities to challenge or receive from one another.


In my teaching over the years, I’ve aimed to strike a balance between clarity and allowing room for the unknown to unfold. The more time I've spent as a teacher, the less rigid my teaching has become. I find that much of my teaching is spent actively listening, offering support, and encouraging personal discernment.


In our current season of the Water element, we are called to connect with our sense of purpose. A student kindly observed that teaching is a purpose for me—through teaching,  I attempt to move closer to understanding the complex and dynamic experience of having a human body—its physical prowess, its subtle communications, its connection to the sublime.


My purpose is made clearer in the company of others, as we find meaning in the intersections of our interests and needs. It’s defined by those who choose to participate with me in this process; it would be very different to explore these concepts alone.


To all my students, past and future, you are an essential thread in the tapestry we are weaving together.


I’m already excited for my next training session in April, as I continue to embrace the journey of teaching and learning. It's a journey that constantly evolves, where there's always room for more to unfold.


Thank you for being a part of the journey


when it’s time to change the system


the rhythms